If plants were capable of transmitting a WiFi signal, we would certainly plant so many of them that maybe we could save our planet. It’s high time we realized that plants provide something far more valuable – clean air. So why not create clean air zones with the same scrupulosity as WiFi zones.

Awareness of city dwellers regarding the negative impact of polluted air on their lives and health increases every year. Companies from various industries take a number of actions to invest in solutions that can improve air quality. This is not only a matter of high social responsibility, but also an advantage within the company positive PR. Both internal, conducted among employees, and external PR, i.e. building proper corporate image among companies’ customers. Join the companies associated in the Whiff program and receive a sticker informing about the Whiff Zone clean air space.

Explainer Video
This short animation shows you how Whiff works. Whiff Zone is the space where you breathe with air purified by plants. Is that possible? Of course.

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